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  • Free delivery
  • Money back guarantee
  • MLM Scheme products


  • All the products we manufacture are made without any chemical additives for processing and without the addition of any flours or colors.
  • So we all the products manufactured in our company are manufactured in this way and you have to use them within 30 days of purchase.
  • In our to purchase products from our company , after choosing our products you need to provide a phone number where you can be contacted and a government ID card.
  • Any products you purchase from our company will reach you within three days of your specified address in pondicherry.
  • If you purchase the products from our company from a state other than pondicherry , the products you enter will arrive at your address within a maximum of 15 days due to the distance of that state.
  • If any of the products you purchase are broken or damaged by the time reach you , Please refuse to purchase the products as our company cannot return and damaged items after your purchase.
  • If the goods purchased by you from our company are outdated or damaged , you must return them to our company address within three days.
  • If you have any complaints about the products you have purchased from our company or you have any other doubts , if you want to return the products purchased from us , if you want the same products or if you want the amount of the you should send us your complaints and request VIA e-mail along with the phone number to contact you .
  • If you return the products purchased from our company due to any defects , the products sent by you will be sent back to your address by courier within seven days from the days of their arrival at our company ,if the products are according to the request sent by our company's e-mail , or if you ask for the amount of the product to be returned . You will be refunded the amount of the item as per your request through our e-mail.